Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Friday, May 1, 2009

There are no atheists in a foxhole...

The last game I played of Flames of War involved attacking prepared positions, with the defenders starting dug in. Normally when you move out of foxholes, the dug in marker is removed and the foxholes vanish (much like my tax return). The one exception to this is when you counterattack out of foxholes. You may retreat back into them. While it doesn't specifically say so, the folks I play with decided that means you return back to your position prior to the assault. That means there should be some way to mark the holes position.

At first I came up with some markers that I cleverly labeled "Foxholes". I thought the marker lacked something. So I thought about doing a 3D version. I had tried in the past to make markers out of liquitex resin sand, but they took a long time and were costly (the resin sand isn't cheap!).

Next I tried some felt markers... t
hey weren't a whole lot better then my paper foxhole markers.

Then I tried some rubber railroad road bed. It was easy to cut, but only came in black (grey-black). I found you could paint, glue sand or flock them and they looked ok. This was more work than I wanted to do, however.

The final iteration was to use brown cork model railroad road bed. It has the apperance of upturned earth & sand from the beginning. All I have to do is cut them out and bevel the side edges. I knocked about 20 medium base sized foxholes in a couple of hours. No painting, just cut to size, bevel the edges and you are ready to go. The look great too!

I am gonna make some more tonight!

Tim, they call him...


Larry Stehle said...

Photos? I would like to make some too. I was thinking of making Dug-In markers with Sculpey.

Tim said...

I thought about Sculpey too...too much work. I added pics...

Larry Stehle said...

And very nice pics they are too! I thought about Sculpey as I have it and making it look like Desert terrain would be easy.

Tim said...

Desert Yellow spray paint...