Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Crouching Romans

Here is a cohort I recently finished that I am proud of. The figures are made by Foundry and I was always intrigued by the crouching pose.

I originally had ambitions of making these guys into a testudo, but it occurred to me that I really liked the way they looked and they would be wasted as a testudo.

These guys were the first cohort I painted that kicked off my 'painting spree'. As I painted and organized them I hit a pretty big snag; they had no command figures!

I quickly scoured the Foundry site and found they don't make a crouching command. An email to them confirmed this. So I would have to make my own.

The Centurion was simply a matter of attaching a transverse crest.

The Signifer and the Cornicen were a bit more work.

First, I had to cut away and remove all traces of the gladius in their right hands. Both hands had to be re-oriented (bent) to accommodate the signum in one case and the cornu in the other. I had to rebuild the Cornicen's left hand with green stuff since he wouldn't have a shield.

Then I had to remove their heads and do a head swap for one with the animal pelts covering the helmets (wolves in this case). I spent some time researching wolves to come up with an appropriate color pattern (I will have to take a picture of the wolf pelts, they really turned out nice).

Lastly I had to modify a signum and cornu to fit and put the whole thing together. I am proud of these guys; they look nice and the conversions were not too difficult and have a lot of character.

Tim, they call him...

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