Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Painter's Block (Part 1)

Like most miniature painters, I go through periods where I just can't seem to paint.  I want to, I really do, but the "mojo" just isn't there.  

A decade or so ago when Flames of War first came out, I bought some painted Afrika Korps platoons and tanks.  I also bought a bunch of support platoons and vehicles in blister packs (unpainted).  I never painted the blisters.  I played FoW with the painted DAK troops I bought. 

 It always bugged me cause I could never have more than a few platoons of infantry, an HMG platoon and some tank, etc.  I spent a lot of time "noodling" out how I would paint them, but I never did. I decided to play in an early war FoW tournament that HMGS-PSW was putting on in late March.  I decided to take something different, a DAK MG Kompanie.

So my force would need:

MG-Kompanie HQ      2 x Cmd SMG teams
Combat Platoons
                        1x Cmd SMG team
1x Light mortar team
1x Anti-tank rifle team
4x MG34 HMG team
                        1x Cmd SMG team
1x Light mortar team
4x MG34 HMG team
Weapons Platoon
Schützen Anti-tank Gun Platoon        
1x Cmd SMG team
3x 3.7cm PaK36 gun
3x Kfz 70 trucks
Divisional Support
Anti-tank Gun Platoon
1x Cmd SMG team
3x 5cm PaK38 gun
3x Kfz 70 trucks
Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon         
1x Cmd SMG team
1x 8.8cm FlaK36 anti-tank gun (8 crew)
One interesting thing about the MG kompanie is you can swap out the HMG teams for Rifle/MG teams before you deploy.  I had plenty of rifle teams, but only one HMG platoon.  I did have one 88 FlaK36, but it needed some work.  So I had a lot to paint.

I have always worked better with a deadline so with brush in hand I head off to my nerd cave.

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