Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Duel in the Sun Campaign - Round 4

Bolt Action II Duel in the Sun Escalation Campaign – Round #4

Round 4 – 675 points (choose from options below)

Reinforced Platoon

  • ·         Lieutenant – First or Second
  • ·         Infantry squads


  • ·         Captain or Major
  • ·         Medic
  • ·         Forward Observer (either Artillery or Air)
  • ·         Machine gun teams
  • ·         Mortar teams
  • ·         Additional Infantry squads  
  • ·         Transport/tow (soft-skins or armored) 1/infantry unit in the reinforced platoon.
  • ·         Anti-tank teams
  • ·         Field Artillery, Anti-aircraft or Anti-tank gun
  • ·         Armored Car 

** Only team weapons listed under the "Plus" above can be selected with the "Additional Infantry squads".**

Round #4 will start 2/5/17 and must be completed by 3/4/17.

The assault on Vila Chata was fought between British and German forces over the tactically important heights overlooking the road to Tunis.  The Allies stormed the village, taking it after a furious uphill struggle, and holding it against enemy counter-attacks. But the Germans managed to perform an outflanking maneuver and assault the village from the rear. The Allied forces were split by the Germans, and the order given to withdraw.


This scenario is designed to be played with equal points values on both sides. The following reinforced platoons should be used to represent the forces involved:

Defenders - Axis

Larry – Italians

Tim – Germans

Jim - French

Art – Germans

Frank – Germans

Hunter - Germans

Attackers - Allies

Phil – Americans

Mark – SAS

Mike – British

Jim – French

John – Americans

Hunter – Americans



The table is set up as shown on the scenario map.

It’s recommended you make a big hill for this scenario, covering an area about 36” x 24” – it should comprise of three semi-circular tiers, placed on top of each other to make two 3” steps leading up to the plateau at the top. This should give you enough space to place some buildings on top of the hill, representing the village. Along the curved edge of the topmost tier, the German player should place obstacles such as sandbags, barbed wire, etc.

Place a few bushes and trees on the tiers to represent the vine-covered slopes, which proved so difficult for the attackers to move through.

The rest of the table should be set up with a few field boundaries such as hedges and walls, and maybe a small farm building.


The defender sets up half his force (rounding up, they can start the game hidden), on the topmost tier of the hill. Note that he cannot place any vehicles on the table at this stage. Any units not set up this way are held in reserve.

The attacker sets up at least half of his units in his set-up zone. Any units not set-up at this stage are held in reserve.


Preparatory Bombardment

The attacker rolls a die: on a 2+ a preparatory bombardment strikes the enemy positions. On a 1, the barrage fails to materialize, but you have your orders and the attack must go on as planned.

First Turn

The battle begins

Rough Going

The slopes of the hill make its ascent tough going – the lower two tiers count as rough ground and are impassable to all vehicles.

Defender’s Reserves

If the defender has any vehicles in reserve, these must be deployed as part of an outflanking maneuver.


The defenders can dig in.

Number of Players

Max two players per side!

Reduced Airpower

Both sides have Reduced Airpower.  Players are still able to call an airstrike. However, instead of rolling on the Air Strike chart, he rolls a D6: On a 1–5, he gets a ‘The skies are empty’ result. On a 6, he gets a ‘Here it comes!’ result. Refer to the Air Strike of Bolt Action for details on these results.

Limited Specialists

Only one FAO and/or FOO allowed per side. 


The attacker is trying to destroy the forces on the hill. The defender is trying to hold the hill at all costs!

Game Duration

Keep a count of how many turns have elapsed as the game is played. At the end of Turn 6, roll a die. On a result of 1, 2 or 3, the game ends, on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 play one further turn.


·         The victory conditions are simple – if the defender has any units on the top tier of the hill (even partially) he has won – a vast wave of reinforcements arrives and pushes any attacking troops off the hill. 

·         If the defender has no units on the top tier of the hill, the attacker wins.

This might seem to be a difficult proposition for the attacker, but these types of fights were tough. The attacker has to earn his victory in this scenario.

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