I decided to work more on my Hmg teams. They offer a good source for modeling...that and I ran out of my resin sand mixture so I can't base my last rifle platoon. I have four Hmg teams, two firing and two moving guns/setting up.
Starting with the firing ones I made up some green stuff epoxy ribbon and added ammo belts (both with ammo and just the belt on the opposite side). It really adds to the figures. I then got ambitious and added condenser cans with green stuff hoses to the barrel jacket.
I carved up a firing gun and placed the tripod on a base to make it look like a gun being set up. A little bending of the figures adds to that look. I added an ammo belt with rounds in it from the gun breach over the Marine's back (he is carrying it across his chest) and an expended belt dangling from the outside of the breach. Again, it adds something to the "feel" of the scene. The other moving gun I left alone (sometimes, less is more...).
It's hard to work on such a small scale adding accessories and modeling small details, but green stuff is wonderful. It remains pliable for forty fire minutes or so; won't stick to anything wet (keep your tools wet); can be smoothed with alcohol and a brush and textures easily. So far I have used it to make hatch covers on AFVs; belts; straps; sand bags; tarps & bundles; ammo belts; hoses and tubes...and...and...thats all I remember. I highly recommend it.
I have to remember to include some pictures of the stuff I am describing...
Tim, they call him
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