Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

One if by land, and two if by sea;

"One if by land, and two if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be..."

Ok... how many if by glider?

I have been working on my British Airlanding company some more.

My progress so far:
  • Airlanding platoons (4) are all primed and have the flesh painted.
  • 6 pdr AT guns (8) are assembled; primed and base coated (Russian Uniform).
  • AT crew cleaned and glued to painting sticks
  • 75mm pack howitzers (4) are assembled; primed and base coated (Russian Uniform).
  • Royal Artillery crew cleaned and glued to painting sticks
  • Sniper teams (3), Light Mortar teams (4), PIAT teams (6) & Pathfinder team (1) are primed, basecoated, based and bases textured.
  • Mortar section cleaned and glued to painting sticks (Observers based and bases textured)
  • MG Section cleaned, based and bases textured.
  • Two Objectives have been built and mounted on a textured base.
I have the British Airborne Command on order. It contains some seated airborne troops & drivers as well as the staff, observers and the command team for the Royal Artillery.

On the bases, I am taking extra care with these guys... trying to hide the figure bases with Liquatex sand/resin stuff. I want to work out a different set of colors for the actual base color. Something darker and richer than what I am using now.

That's all for now...

Tim, they call him...

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