Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wait...what was I just doing?

One thing that gets me frustrated and bored is painting the same thing over and over (Think Roman legionaries). The past few days I have been switching off between my Romans in 28mm and my SS in 15mm. Different styles & colors among other things gives me a break from one to the other. OK, I know you are saying "Duh!", but this is the first time it has worked for me.

In the past few weeks I have:
  • Finished my six tube SS-mortar platoon (100%)
  • Finished my three gun SS PaK 38 platoon (100%)
  • Finished my first 20 man Caesarian Roman legionnaire unit, sans shields (90%)
  • Painted & based my four gun SS PaK 40 platoon (100%)
  • Rebased & detailed 29 Baleric slingers
  • Rebased & detailed 14 Eastern Auxilia archers
  • Finished 12 Western Auxilia archers (100%)

I am working on:
  • 14 Eastern Auxilia Archers
  • Roman Catapult
  • Twelve man Roman cavalry unit
  • My second 20 man Roman legionnaire unit
  • Two gun SS light infantry gun (leIG 18) platoon

I am pretty pleased with all this.

Tim, obsessed they call him...

1 comment:

Larry Stehle said...

Indeed! It seems that our regular Wednesday Paint & Palaver have had a positive effect on all of us.

You painted a quite a bit more than me!