Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Workbench Update - 

* 15mm 1941 era US Marines (Flames of War) 
I have spent a lot of time "agonizing" over the basing of these guys.  Wake Island had very "white" sand with scattered brush.  After a few test bases I think I have the combination down right.  These are figures from Eureka Miniatures and I ordered them to represent the mixed composition of the forces on Wake Island (Marines, Army Air Force, construction workers).  These really are very nice miniatures.  I have one platoon based.  I am going to prime, paint and base them and use them as my benchmark.

* 28mm SS (AE WWII)
I have these guys primed and their pants painted.  The separate heat system Bolt Action uses is a challenge to paint.  I am thinking maybe gluing the heads to nails so I can handle them.

* Caesarian Roman Army (Warhammer Ancients)
My Romans are sadly neglected these days.  I need to put more effort in here.  Some cavalry I think.

* SS-Panzergrenadier Kompanie (Flames of War)
My Panzergrenadier Kompanie continues to grow.  Currently it consists of:
1x Kompanie HQ
2x SS Panzergrenadier platoons (motorized)
1x SS Panzergrenadier platoons (armored)
1x SS Pioneer platoon
1x SS HMG platoon
1x SS Morar platoon (six tubes)
1x SS leIG (2 leIG 18)
1x SS AT platoon (4x PaK 38)
1x SS AT platoon (4x PaK 40)
1x SS AT platoon - motorized  (2x PaK 38 mounted on 1 ton half track)
1x SS Tank platoon (6x Pz35(t))
3x SS Tiger tanks

I am working on an armored car platoon; a three gun armored artillery platoon; light AA and a "whole passel" of  Pz IVs.

* Fallschirmjager Kompanie (Flames of War)
Recently I have completed:

1x Fallschirmjager (FJ) platoon
1x Fallschirmjager  Light AA platoon

My entire Fallschirmjager Kompanie consists of:

1x Fallschirmjager Kompanie HQ w/attached HMGs
1x Fallschirmjager platoon
2x Fallschirmpioneer platoons
1x Fallschirmjager  Light AA platoon

I have some recoiless rifles and PaK 40s I am working on.

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