Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Welcome to the Jungle

Welcome to the Jungle - PTO

I am preparing to run, “Welcome to the Jungle - PTO” an escalation league, with a tentative start date of June 4, 2017.  The league will last for 6 months, concluding in November 2017.

Goal – The goal is to build and paint a 1,000-point Bolt Action army of your choice for the Pacific Theater of Operations. Ideally, this will be an entirely new army for you. However, it is okay to participate in the gaming portion of the league with an existing army that you have. Either way, this is a great way to get into Bolt Action or get an all-new army on the table!

Each month, you will paint a minimum of 100-300 points of units. Of course, you can do more than the minimum.

The first Sunday of each month, your miniatures will be on display for everyone to see and your efforts will be scored. You will also earn points for games played and won during the month.

To join the league, you need submit a 1,000-point list that you will attempt to build out over the course of the league. This list is a blueprint for your army and of course, you can modify it as you go along. It is just a good way to plan what you will do.

In Bolt Action, a 1,000-point army is the “standard” comprising anywhere from 8 to 12 units depending on unit quality and the number of supporting units and teams you have. It generally gives you a platoon sized force with about 3 - 5 infantry squads, a tank or other transport or fighting vehicle, and a handful of specialist teams (like machine gun or mortar teams).

For those of you with an ambitious streak, you can submit a 1,500-point list! This will allow you to get more specialized teams and vehicles into your army, or simply play bigger games.

The league will focus on the Pacific theater.  You may use any theater selector from Empire in Flames or the standard Reinforced Platoon selector from your army book, which will create an army you can use in most circumstances.

Here is the schedule:
May/June – Core Units, build and paint 2 infantry squads and an officer.
July – Add 100 – 300 points + one objective marker.
August – Add 100 – 300 points
September – Add 100 – 300 points + one objective marker.
October – Add 100 – 300 points
November – Add 100 – 300 points + one objective marker.

To create your list, I highly recommend the Easy Army online list creation web page.
Submit your 1,000 point list to Tim by May 26.  First game day is June 4.

Progress Tracking
Each game day we will award points for milestones and activities.  You can score points in both hobby and gaming areas.
 Hobby Points
  • Unit(s) assembled but not painted: +1 point.
  • Unit(s) fully painted and based by game day: +5 points (If base(s) are unpainted/unfinished: -1 point)
  • Painters Choice Award (on game day, voted by all present): +3 points
  • Judges Choice Award (on game day): +3 points

Fully painted means at least three colors laid down and the base finished. Primed does not count as painted. For a base to be considered finished it must at least have one type of basing material applied.

Hobby points will be awarded for your overall finished work submitted, not per unit painted, as long as you hit the 100-point minimum for the month.

Whether you painted a couple of bazooka teams or a 10-man squad or a single vehicle (or combination of units) for a given month, you will be awarded 5 points. Likewise, if you have unfinished bases, it is just -1 point overall, not -1 point for each unfinished base!

If you have a painting service (or anyone else) paint your miniatures, you’ll only get +1 point instead of +5, but they will still be eligible for the Painters and Judges Choice awards.

The Judges Choice Award is awarded to the judge’s favorite in a given month, and may not always be awarded! To get this a model/unit needs to go a little beyond just a standard paint job. Conversions and particularly scenic bases can help you win this award.

Gaming Points
  • Play a game: +1 point
  • Win a game: +2 points
  • Tie a game: +1 point
Some game days may have a historical theme or specific focus. We may have special scenarios and rules or do team games. Whatever we do, you’ll get to play against the other players in the league and get some fun games in.

Points will be tracked per player and per alliance (Axis & Allied).
Monthly game days are TBA but will generally be the first Sunday of each month.

  • Can I use a painted army I already have?
    • Yes, but you obviously won’t earn any points for painting.
  • Can I use unpainted models that I already have?
    • Yes.
  • Can I use figures that I’ve already partially painted?
    • If you are bringing them to completion yes, but let me know.
  • I have some units already done (painted) and some unpainted. Can I use these?
    • Yes, but you won’t get points for the units you have already painted prior to the league starting.
  • Can I only earn game points on the monthly game days?
    • Any game of Bolt Action that you play against someone else participating in the league will count (assuming you report it).
  • Do I have to only play against my army’s historical opponents?
    •  No, you can play against the same army as yours (or its allies). Consider it a training exercise.
  • Can I bring late war Germans?
    • Sort of.  If you are determined to bring an out of theater list there are two ways to do it.  The first is to use your German troops and proxy them using an in theater list (Chinese?).  The other way is to let me “proofread” and edit it the day before each game.  
·         At the end of the league, we will hand out the following awards:
·         Best Painted (based on hobby points earned)
·         Best Single Model (voted for by all present)
·         Best Unit (voted for by all present)
·         Best General (based on gaming points earned)
·         Commanding General (based on combined hobby and gaming)

Contact Information
For questions please email

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