Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Entry for December 23, 2006

Larry and I decided to go ahead and build our Pacific war forces for Flames of War (FoW). I am not sure why we did this, but I am sure some major lapse of critical thinking is involved.

The deal is he will build a Japanese (Jap) infantry company and I will do the good guys (USMC). So far so good...My basic list includes:

3 x Marine Rifle Platoons w/Cmd (39 fig's each)
1 x Weapons Platoon w/Cmd(LMG's & Mortars - 21 fig's)
1 x HMG Weapons Platoon w/Cmd (15 fig's + 4 x HMG's)
1 x Mortar Platoon w/Obs & Cmd(2 Ssctions; 19 fig's & 4 x 81mm mortars)
1 x Scout/Sniper Platoon w/Cmd (2 squads, 27 fig's)
4 x A/T gun Sections w/Cmd (19 fig's; 4 x 37mm A/T guns; 4 x 1 ton trucks)
1 x Cannon Platoon w/Cmd (3 Cmd fig's & 2 x M3 75mm SPMs)

A very reasonable list if I do say so myself. The down side? Approximately 220 infantry figures and 10 or so assorted models to paint. Should I mention I hate painting infantry? Time to pull some speed painting techniques out of the closet. Ok lets see how long I can keep writing here...

Tim, they call him

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