Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Entry for December 24, 2006

Yeah I know it's Christmas Eve (have to sacrifice to the baby Jesus) and I am thinking about gaming. I wonder if there is a twelve step program for this?

Some time back I bought some Command Decision (Old Glory) US Marines on spec. Good news! I sorted through them and found I had 85% of the fig's I needed for my Marine Rifle Company. So far so good. I also have a pack of US Paratroopers w/ Support, which gives me the heavy and light mortars I need. I had a couple of M3 75mm GMCs (the US Army's design of the M3 75mm SPM).

So mostly the only thing missing are the 37mm A/T guns and associated trucks and crew. A quick trip to the War Web ( and they are on their way. A quick note about the War Web. They are an easy site to use; have great prices; but, they take a long time to ship and the site has very few pics of the 15mm Command Decision mini's.

Tim, they call him...

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