Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Patriots & Loyalists FAQ

I found these on a PAL yahoo group (that happens to have Scott Holder on it). Unfortunately the group is not really active. The first one is a question I asked.

Q: Under the section Artillery Falling Back (7.5, last paragraph), it says, "...If the unit is artillery, the stand with crew falls back 7" facing the enemy and leaving the artillery piece. Artillery crews having fallen back are not considered in rally formation and may move during their next turn as if in infantry column..." Does this mean that artillery crew in effect 'auto-rally'?

A: Yes - They are allowed to rally automatically as artillery crew do not need to form up like infantry or cavalry.

Q: A unit in line makes contact with a unit in column or a limbered artillery battery. What happens?

A: This situation refers to an Active unit in line moving to contact with either a unit in column or limbered artillery battery. If the Active unit is in column, it cannot into contact. Once the unit makes contact, all movement for the Active unit just making contact is stopped and melee then takes place during the Melee Phase. Don't forget that a unit in column halves its Melee Level. When contacting a limbered artillery battery, again, movement stops for the Active unit and melee takes place during the Melee Phase. In this case, don't draw any Melee Cards. Instead, the artillery battery immediately retreats (as if it were unlimbered) taking the artillery piece with it and it takes a permanent marker.

Q: Isn't skirmish formation too tough? Being in skirmish raises a regiment's morale 10% without lowering firing potential of the unit; is this intentional?

A: Yes. Keep in mind that most units can't skirmish and you could certainly limit it in any given scenario (not all militia "skirmished" in what we could consider a trained tactical formation). Now units like British Converged Lights or the Queen's Rangers that start with 80% morale and can skirmish are certainly tough units to beat.

Q: Are the number of stands a unit fires reduced for each permanent morale marker it takes?

A: No.

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