Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Monday, July 27, 2009


So my friend Harold is running a Kursk Flames of War game at Gateway 2009 and I have to get painting. He is modeling the thrust by the II. SS-Panzer Korps towards Prokhorovka. The II. SS-Panzer Korps consisted of the 1st (Leibstandarte), 2nd (Das Reich) and 3rd (Totenkopf) SS-Panzer Grenadier divisions. His scenario focuses on the center thrust by Leibstandarte towards the town of Prokhorovka. My SS were already starting out as Das Reich, but I don't think anyone will notice or care.

So this is the status of everything as I start this project:

German Tank Force
12 Panzer IV H - Base coated in dark yellow
4 Tiger E- Base coated in dark yellow
3 SdKfz 7/2 AA quads - Still in packaging

German Grenadier and Support force
Armored PanzerGrenadier Platoon - 80% painted and based
Armored PanzerPioneer Platoon - 80% painted and based
6 Stug III G - Assembled
3 Wespe - Partially assembled (tracks on)

Stukas - Completed
FW190s - I may have kits of these guys somewhere

First Soviet Armored force
10 T-34 obr1941 - Completed
4 su76 - Base coated green

Stormaviks - Base coated green

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