Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Entry for February 05, 2007

My order from Warweb showed up. I ordered some Command Decision 75mm SPM (SMC's), some M37 3/4 ton trucks and a Quick Reaction Force 37mm AT Gun (US). The QRF AT gun looks disappointing. I am going to have to do some checking...frankly it may be a different model of 37mm gun...there is no gunshield, the breach guard is missing and the trails are way too short. I am guessing I got or ordered the wrong thing. Time will tell...

I will have to compare:
  • M3 37mm AT guns from Battlefront and Quality Casting.
  • 75mm SPMs from Battlefront, Quality Casting and Command Decision.
  • M37 3/4 ton trucks from Battlefront, Quality Casting and Command Decision.

This will take a couple of days to do...but I am looking forward to this....

Tim, deranged they call him....

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