Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Entry for February 25, 2007

Status Report:

My Scout, Weapons (LMG & Mortar), HMG and AT platoons, just need some detail work, base detailing and varnishing.

My three Rifle platoons just need the "green" web gear painted and I can move them up to the status of my Scout platoon.

I spent this weekend in between other things getting the khaki leggings & musette bags painted, plus the boots and drybryshing the bases. Its hard to believe, but I am almost there.

For detail work I need to check the figures, one by one for :

  • errors and omissions
  • painted rifle slings (leather) and buckles
  • helmet chin straps (green)
  • canteen caps (black)
  • maybe chevrons (faded black)...

For bases:

  • debris (rocks, boxes, spent cartridges, etc)
  • flora (static grass, shrubs, palm fronds, etc)
  • labels (platoon designation)
wow...another week and I should have it done!

Then I have to find me some son's of Nippon to send politely to the Deity of their choice (or nearest convenient parallel dimension.)

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