Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Entry for February 14, 2007

Sigh...just when you think it is safe to go back in the water, life has a way of throwing a large shark in your direction.

I had last night all planned out...go home, feed my two little piranha, work on my Marines and watch some TV. Instead I end up in the ER for some IV antibiotics and an overnight stay. Sucks all around. Just to show you I have my priorities straight, once I was sure my Piranha (kids) would be OK, I considered sending someone after some of my paints and mini's so I would have something to do. Reality reared it's ugly head when I realized I felt waaaaaay to sick to do any painting...Once again the proper priorities re-asserted themselves and I decided that the doctor wouldn't have sent me to hospital if it wasn't I should just lay back not complain to much and let the med's work...

HOUSE! was Tuesday night and I would miss House! (sorry it is the one TV show I like). I conned my children into taping it for me (they do provide useful services from time to time). I guess I wasn't feeling that poorly...

Anyway, I got sprung this morning and came home to work on my Marines with a vengeance (sleep) or baring that at least get my army list into a usable fashion (sleep), or check my bills (sleep)...sleep...lots of it...

Tim, annoyed they call him...

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