Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Entry for February 20, 2007

The Con is over...all in all it was a good one. The one game I really wanted to see played was a no show (Wargods of Aegyptus) . Saturday I got a swap table and despite forgetting a bunch of my for sale stuff I pocketed $160 in around 30 min. Good deal as far as I am concerned! I picked up a copy of the Warmachine rules (I like the mini's & a lot of people are playing it). I spent some time watching a version of WWII and the WHFB tourney on Sunday. I have to get some playing time in with the new 7th ed. rules. I saw several interesting games with at least one side being TK or VC's. Interesting game of an almost complete tree WE army vs. VC. Also saw a VC vs. TK's...very interesting.

: TK = Tomb Kings; VC = Vampire Counts; WE = Wood Elves

I have been doing some thinking about my long term projects. I currently have the figures to make the following:

  • Dark Elf Army
  • Lizardman Army
  • Vampire Counts Army

I have a completed Tomb Kings Army that has some more units unpainted I can add.

The Lizardmen are going to go. I just have to decide to paint them or sell them unpainted. I am leaning towards painting (I can use the experience) and the money is better.

Not sure what to do about the Vampire Counts army. They were "set up" to be the Army of Sylvania, which may be out of the new book and not tourney legal anymore...I also was going to do some heavy conversion and base the army on the movie "VanHelsing"...but I am starting to loose interest in that (ADD again?)

Same thing with the Dark Elves...I had this great modeling project in mind with dark grey, black and purple...lots of snow on the bases. My interest has waned for this project as well. I suppose I will sit on them and see if it rekindles.

I have learned a lesson from this..."Strike while the iron is hot..." In other words don't spend forever thinking and researching a project or you might loose your enthusiasm for it.

I do have a lot of those Dire Wolves...mmmmmmmmmm

Tim, they call him...

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