Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Entry for January 23, 2007

More Success!

Last night I decided to get the basic uniform (base color shirt & pants. So I mixed up some of my "Marine Green" and got to work. Surprisingly it only took a few hours for the 200+ mini's involved. I then started in on some of the helmets.

In doing some more research I noticed a aberration in my previous paint scheme for the brown camo. In one picture I used (from Osprey) the brown camo has some green spots in it. I was using Battlefront's 2nd Armored ETO camo uniform as a base to do my Marines. It also has green in it. But the more I looked, the more I found the brown camo without the green in it. I don't know if the USMC had variations in their camo (it appears the camo for the USMC para's is different from the "regular" Marines); or if different contractors produced variations; or maybe the single Osprey drawing is wrong (Osprey makes more errors than I care to admit). Anyway...I decided to go with the all "brown" brown camo.

My new colors for the Marine camo uniforms are as follows:

Brown Camo
Base: Vallejo German WWII Beige-Camo (faded)
Color 1: Vallejo US Field Drab (medium patches - faded)
Color 2: Vallejo German Camouflage Orange Ochre (medium patches - faded)
Color 3: Vallejo Flat Brown (small patches - faded)

Its not a very good pic, but the pic above has this pattern on the figures helmets.

Happy with my new camo, I went to work on my scouts and snipers. After completing the first two camouflage colors I became concerned about my somnambulistic painting skills and after cleaning my brush, drifted off into the land of Nod.

More painting tomorrow!

Tim, they call him...

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