Here ye will fin' all manner of unspeakable beasties an' their activities...
An' remember ta' beware o' th' Rabbit!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Entry for January 07, 2007

Marines?? Oh yeah...Marines...

I spent some time during my breaks researching a painting guide for my "mud marines". The only one I came up with used Reaper paints and seemed too bright to me. But it gave me some ideas.

When I got home, I put away my aufklarungs squadron and my Russians (did I mention I have a Russian Tank Battalion?) and spread my Marines out. I had previously standed my two scout squads, the Hmg platoon and most of the command stands I would need. I had used a Sharpie to mark the bottoms of the stands so I would know who was who. So I lined them up by unit and decided to break down and start the rifle platoons...(I hate painting infantry).

I have been using a product from Liquitex that is a resin sand acrylic mix to texture bases. You can mix paint with it to color it (and it won't crack). Even put on flat it will have a nice texture to it. It comes in bottles and has a consistency somewhere between paste and Cream of Wheat.

Anyway, it takes a while to work it over the figure bases once all the figures are down. In a stroke of brilliance (and yess my thumb still hurts) I decided to see if I could use the Liquitex mix to glue the figures to the stands. Spread the Liquitex on the stand, work the figures into the Liquitex and a little touch up and taadaa...well we will see.

I did an entire rifle platoon this way. It took me around five to eight minutes per stand, v.s. ten to fifteen minutes doing it the old way. I will have to see how hold up when they dry.

I really do have no life...

Tim, they call him...

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